Who do you dress for?

(Mom is always dressed to the Nines. The photo is a pair of her kicks from a recent family Easter gathering. The rest of the content in this post is all from her)

Fudging, evading, bs, and obfuscation are never as good as truth, honesty and openness. However, a little white lie is sometimes necessary.

Are you more comfortable dressing like a slob in church? At the theatre? On a plane? Do you get respect? Does it give you confidence? Are you trying to fit in by looking like the lowest common denominator?  There is a reason for costumes in the theatre. It helps the audience to know who and what the characters are. Is the way you dress the image you want to present?  Dress for the job you want, not the one you have. Dress for the impression you want people to have of you, not the one you might have of yourself.  You will be surprised by the change in the way you are treated 

Unlike most other countries, America has the ability to turn itself around for the better. Eventually.

Keep a dictionary at hand.

What do the Bible, the Koran and the Talmud have in common? Oh, sorry. I thought you had read them.

What is the common thread between The Tale of Genji, Hamlet, War and Peace, Gone With the Wind and Downton Abbey ? If you know two out of three you could take a guess.

Read Persian poetry, Chinese poetry, Dante, Ogden Nash, Shakespeare’s sonnets and The Cremation of Sam McGee. Or pick one.

The best cookbooks are put out by local women’s groups.

Hate violence but love Tarantino movies. Don’t know why.

I finally discovered where those extra socks disappear to. No, the washing machine doesn’t eat them. What actually happens is, since ETs only have one foot, an alien ship lands in our back yards, and not being greedy, they only take what they need.  I thought I would try putting the other one in the wash to see if they would take it and leave my pairs alone. They didn’t get it.

Try not to make any irrevocable mistakes. When you do make them, it is so hard on everybody.

Life is like a game of Solitaire. Sometimes it looks like a sure thing from the beginning but at the last minute the red Queen is buried with no way to get to her. Sometimes it looks like a loser from the beginning but by careful slogging you pull it out in the end. Sometimes you make a few plays and realize that it is never going to work. It is not your fault. The cards are stacked against you.

If you are having problems don’t take a vacation until you resolve them.  They will detract from the pleasure of the trip. A waste of money. Go when you are happy.

Don’t do anything or go anywhere unless it is AOK from the beginning. There are always signs if there is going to be a problem. This applies to every activity: giving a dinner party, taking a trip, choosing a mate, choosing a college, taking a job. Those little red flags are God talking. Ignore him and experience his wrath.

Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.  We have only today. Let us make the most of it. Well, tomorrow probably will come  and what we do today may determine what it brings with it.

We women believe men are sturdy oaks that can stand up against any storm, protect us against  all evil, love us forever and understand us and solve all our problems. Men like to believe that too but inside they are fearful, scared little boys. We should always remember that but never let them know we know it.

Cooking three meals a day may get boring but our meals are what we remember most when we are far away.
This is what I think. What do you think? Tell me calmly. No need to come to blows.

-Jean Clarice Walsh 2013


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