Mom's been collecting this wisdom for years...

As usual, comments are welcome but, to actually disagree, you really should be 85 or older :-)

When men look in the mirror they see only their good points. When women look in the mirror they see only their bad points.

Do I expect everyone to agree with me? Heavens no. I’m Irish. I’m trying to start an argument.

Tourists should know, Ireland is more than Waterford crystal and the Blarney stone. The real Ireland is about horses, words and music. Go to a horse race, a concert and the Abbey Theatre to see real Irish actors with real Irish accents in a play by an Irish playwright. And don’t forget to amble down Grafton Street.

Go to an Irish pub and start an argument about politics. If you are lucky, someone will insult you. You will love it.

You can also have fun in a Dublin taxi with an Irish driver. Best crack. What did you think? (crack is irish for lively conversation)

The two revered American saints in Ireland are Kennedy and Sinatra. Must have something to do with religion.

What is more beautiful than the treasures of Italy? The men I mean.

Anything you say about China is true.

The best thing about having daughters is they know what you need without asking. The best thing about having sons is they will do anything you want if they just know what it is. If you are lucky that is.

Fashion, jewelry and makeup are not fluff. Women have been adorning themselves for ever. Wonder what a cave woman did. Oh yeah. A bone in her nose and bear grease in her hair. Anything to cheer herself up. And she might even attract a man.

What is more fascinating than watching a baby, an ocean wave or a fire in the fireplace?

Wish I had a singing voice and a talent for languages. What do you wish for?

Look at the sky and the ocean waves, then get down on your knees and look at a tide pool.

Don’t think you can’t paint. Do a self portrait of yourself with a bird on your head. Using a teaspoon instead of a brush. You will surprise your self.

Being rich makes you a target. Maybe you don’t care.

Don’t cook anything requiring more than three ingredients. You will just have to buy a lot of stuff you only use once.

A psychiatrist will ask you a lot of questions to help you find the answers. A psychic never stops talking. The good thing about a psychic is you go home with a lot of possible answers. It’s best to go to several psychics. See if they mesh on any point. That point might just be the point. But see the psychiatrist too. When in pain it is better to cover all bases.

If you have a deathly fear some awful thing will happen to your child you will just tie yourself up in knots and create a child with a great lack of confidence. There are a lot of bad things that could happen and you can fret about all of them, but have a little faith and use some common sense.

The main purpose of school is to teach social adjustment.

For a well rounded life one should have a positive relationship, meaningful employment and a hobby. Well anyway, the hobby is within your control.

Teach your children the pleasure of reading books, the basics of economics, and good manners. It can’t hurt.

Just answer all questions your child asks about the beginning of life but don’t volunteer anything extra. TMI. But do discuss the limits of social interaction.

Buy a new mattress every ten years. It will do you good.

Every ten years your perceptions change due to experience. It can play havoc with a marriage.

The Chinese tell you 50% of what they want you to know. Or even need to know. You have to guess the rest.

Muslims want the same things for their families that Christians do. They just pray more.

Jews are encouraged to question their religion. Who else does that?

Look at your children as individuals. Encourage their strengths and help them improve their weaknesses.

Criticism hurts forever.

-Jean Clarice Walsh  2013


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