Tidal Pools

The photo above is mine but the painting and the words below are all mom's...

Several people have asked how I come up with all this stuff. The simple answer is: Been there. Done that and analyzed everything I ever saw or heard. My mother and sister use to tell me I analyzed too much but I couldn’t help it. It was just the way I thought.

But I always have the long explanation too. Too long. Ask anyone who knows me.

I will read anything and everything, from a US Army Manual on the rainfall in China in 1949 to a book on tide pools in the Great Barrier Reef. If it is in print I will read it. If it’s on a screen I will watch it. If it is music I will listen to it. If it is a movie in a foreign language without subtitles I will watch the expressions on the speaker’s faces.

Since my husband died I have dated men from almost every culture but Indian. I am working on that.  I analyzed what made each one different from the other. Since men are alike everywhere, it their culture that makes the difference.  I was raised with two religious influences, Catholic and Mormon, but later, seriously considered becoming a Jew or a Muslim. I finally realized I was not a person of faith. I saw the good in all of them but could never accept the dogma. I thought Buddhism was the most rational but could not totally give myself to that either. I was fascinated by Shinto, and Hinduism but it was the same problem. I found I was actually on a spiritual search and while I enjoyed learning about all these beliefs I could not help wondering why people needed them. I think it is the need for protection from fear, and culture plays an enormous part.  In the end I decided that philosophy was my spiritual guide.  My mother believed totally in her Mormon prayers and my sister swears by her Catholic prayers. I believe in their beliefs as I believe in all beliefs. Like feng shui and astrology, they has been practiced for thousands of years. There must be something to it. Since I spent 6 years in Catholic schools I will say the Memorare or pray to St. Jude when in dire straits but will also get out my tarot cards. If all else fails I take a Zen attitude and hold everything with an open hand. Que sera sera.

When I was young I decided to learn by others’ mistakes so as not to make mistakes myself, so I read biographies, the more graphic the better.  A white washed story is of no help to anyone.

I prefer to travel alone.  If on a tour I always pay extra for the single supplement.  I want to read as late as I want and don’t want to share a bathroom. I have been fortunate that on my other trips someone always met me, especially in China.
"Tidal Pool", a current work in progress by mom,

I have no qualms about eating alone. I like to observe the action and the people around me; what they are wearing and how they behave. I am happy just chatting with the waiter. Years ago I would bring a book but decided that was a bit lame.  If I feel insecurity creeping in I just sit there and with an invisible gesture I zap every person in the room with a golden light. If that that doesn’t work I try a white light and a blue light. By the time I have covered the room I feel like I am sitting at a large table filled with friends.

If traveling alone I always dress as well as I can. It makes a huge difference both in my confidence and in my treatment.

I am not as interested in what people do as I am in what they think.

My granddaughter just came for an overnight visit. What can be better than that?

Had a seizure November 3 and was told not to drive for six months. What a hardship! My car and I have a symbiotic relationship. But, only six weeks to go! I drive much more cautiously now than I used to, of course. My son Paul, the mastermind behind this blog , once said: “ My mom doesn’t drive fast. She just keeps up with the rest of the air traffic.”

-Jean Clarice Walsh


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